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作者:易考试吧 发布时间:2016-06-23 [手机版]
摘要:In response to our world’s growing reliance on artificial light, writer Paul Bogard argues that naturaldarkness should be preserved in his article “Let There be dark”. He effectively builds his ar

  In response to our world’s growing reliance on artificial light, writer Paul Bogard argues that naturaldarkness should be preserved in his article “Let There be dark”. He effectively builds his argument by using a personal anecdote, allusions to art and history, and rhetorical questions。

  Bogard starts his article off by recounting a personal story- a summer spent on a Minnesota lake where there was “woods so dark that [his] hands disappeared before [his] eyes。”

  In telling this brief anecdote, Bogard challenges the audience to remember a time where they could fully amass themselves in natural darkness void of artificial light. By drawing in his readers with a personal encounter about night darkness, the author means to establish the potential for beauty, glamour, and awe-inspiring mystery that genuine darkness can possess。

  He builds his argument for the preservation of natural darkness by reminiscing for his readers a first-hand encounter that proves the “irreplaceable value of darkness。“ This anecdote provides a baseline of sorts for readers to findcredence with the author’s claims。

  Bogard’s argument is also furthered by his use of allusion to art–Van Gogh’s “Starry Night“ – and modern history– Paris’ reputation as “The City of Light”。

  By first referencing “Starry Night”, a painting generally considered to be undoubtedly beautiful, Bogard establishes that the natural magnificence of stars in a dark sky is definite. A world absent of excess artificial light could potentially hold the key to a grand, glorious night sky like Van Gogh’saccording to the writer. This urges the readers to weigh the disadvantages of our world consumed by unnatural, vapid lighting。

  Furthermore, Bogard’s alludesto Paris as “the famed ‘city of light’”. He then goes on to state how Paris has taken steps to exercise more sustainable lighting practices. By doing this, Bogard creates a dichotomy between Paris’ traditionally alluded-to name and the reality of what Paris is becoming - no longer “the city of light”, but more so “the city of light…before 2 AM”。

  This furthers his line of argumentation because it shows how steps can be an dare being taken to preserve natural darkness. It shows that even a city that is literally famous for being constantly lit can practically address light pollution in a manner that preserves the beauty of both the city itself and the universe as a whole。

  Finally, Bogardmakes subtle yet efficient use of rhetorical questioning to persuade his audience that natural darkness preservation is essential. He asks the readers to consider “what the vision of the night sky might inspire in each of us, in our children or grandchildren?”

  in a way that brutally plays to each of our emotions. By asking this question,Bogard draws out heart felt ponderance from his readers about the affecting power of an untainted night sky. This rhetorical question tugs at the readers’heart strings; while the reader may have seen an unobscured night skyline before, the possibility that their child or grandchild will never get the chance sways them to see as Bogard sees。

  This strategy is definitively an appeal to pathos, forcing the audience to directly face an emotionally-chargedinquiry that will surely spur some kind of response. By doing this, Bogard develops his argument, adding gutthral power to the idea that the issue of maintaining natural darkness is relevant and multifaceted。

  Writing as a reaction to his disappointment that artificial light has largely permeated the presence of natural darkness, Paul Bogard argues that we must preserve true, unaffected darkness. He builds this claim by making use of a personal anecdote,allusions, and rhetorical questioning。




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